Thursday, March 02, 2006


Film: Jaws
Director: Steven Spielburg
Year: 1975
Quick Glance:
A big shark finds humans a tasty summer treat.


Dun-dun Dun-dun dun-dun-dun-dun! This was the movie that made me not want to swim in the ocean when I was a pre-teen. Yes, it sounds cliché but it frightened me. Well, I got to see it again with my more wise sensibilities (don’t laugh!) and it really was a fun movie to watch. In fact, I was pretty amazed at what a cutie Richard Dreyfuss was in his day. The basic premise of the movie is that this giant man eating (and boat eating) shark attacks this little island and must be stopped! Of course there are other things involved like a shark scientist (Dreyfuss) and a crazy fisherman and a skanky mayor of the town. But basically this film is pretty important historically because it changed the movie industry from art to blockbuster…shame shame shame.

And now we have a big mechanical shark that is attacking our boat! It is a fun movie, less horror now as an adult than slapstick. When Dreyfuss is looking at the remains of the girl in the box, it is almost like he is having an “intimate” moment he is making so many groans. The crazy fisherman cant just say something he has to SAY something. Of course, by the end of our boating adventure, the water fearing cop is sitting atop the weee tip of the top of the boat pole like a cartoon. There is a pretty funny Saturday Night Live Spoof on this called “Land Shark.”

Jaws is one of those films that is really just fun to watch. No wonder it was a blockbuster. A little thrill, a little terror, a little humor. It really is a classically great film, even if the shark looks about as fake as a blond with a bad boob job sporting a bikini. Over all Jaws is an evening well spent a good time to eat some popcorn and enjoy the Dun-dun.


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