Film: Click
Director: Frank Coraci
Year: 2006
Quick Glance:
The man with a remote controls the world.
Click is one of those films that I generally avoid in the theater. These silly films put together with cheesy morals are just about as filling as a bucket of popcorn. But wait,....there is a review, does that mean that the afor mentioned film reviewer, myself, actually stooped so low to see the film. Yes. and my only excuse is i was bored. The film was just about what i expected, except it was also a great deal of fun. Despite the stupidity, and the cliches, and the plot holes, the film was just fun to see. Normally Adam Sandler's humor is not my own, but this time, i really did have fun. I didn't stop once during the film to wonder when it would be over and instead couldn't wait to see what was next.
The film is the story of a man who gets a remote that gives him power over things in his life. He can pause time, rewind, fast forward. Of course, Adam Sandler's character does not use his powers wisely and learns in the end, he doesn't need the remote to make his life happy, it already is. Awwww, ok. Still it is cool some of the ideas they come up with how they use it. Of course, while i was sitting there, i kept thinking of ways i could use my remote. The first one would be to pause and take a nap. LOL
Over all the film was fun summer fluff, and i enjoyed it as such.
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